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The boardroom or conference room is one of the most important places in an office. It is the seat of decision making, a place where meetings are conducted, and all-important decisions taken. It is like the “make or break” place that has the capacity of being the gamechanger for the company. So, it must be properly designed. It must have the right type of furniture to fulfill the purpose for which it has been created and among the different furniture items that grace the boardroom, the boardroom tables hold the most important place in the entire scheme of things. It is the center of attraction as well as activity and therefore, it must be fine looking and functional, in the right proportion.
The perfect balance is necessary to pack the right punch in the meetings, be it with clients or the team or board members. Sounds tough to attain? It might but it is not so. In fact, it is pretty easy and we at Urban Hyve make it even easier with our diverse range of contemporary tables that pack the perfect balance at the most pocket-friendly price. Our collection of boardroom tables carries tables made of different material which have been molded in different manners to reflect different moods of the boardroom. The range is pretty large and there is no way you would not find your ideal boardroom table at our e-store.
The meeting table in the boardroom makes a statement about the philosophy and value system the company follows in its daily course of operations. It is an embodiment of the business ethos the firm believes in and thus, it should be picked after careful deliberation. The table should have an appropriate size, proportionate to the room where it would be kept. It must also have the capacity to accommodate a reasonable number of people as per the company’s team size and scale of operations. The shade of the table should also be complementary with the room decor. Though black, white, brown are the official shades that have been popular for a long time, the present-day office décor is about being creative and at times, quirky as well.
Well, whatever your style, Urban Hyve has the most enthralling variety in both the categories to cater to your unique requirements. You can pick the shade that pleases you and powers your business persona in the most precise manner. The colors range is more than 100. The material of the table is also significant when it comes to maintaining style and functionality and therefore, should be selected with due care. While wood has been the reigning favorite for years and continues to rule in boardrooms, it has also made space for other material. These days, you can find chrome base, black steel base, timber veneer in wooden tables and they bring a dash of style and glamour which suits modern boardrooms, especially the ones that belong to design or ad agencies or other companies belonging to the similar fields.
At Urban Hyve, you get to pick from a big basket of boardroom tables that is bursting with the best shades, rich material, classy designs, exclusive styles and an extensive range of sizes. You can find a table in exact dimension and design that you want your boardroom to possess. In fact, you can get custom tables to go with your meeting room requirements.
It can be comfortably said that the boardroom is the central place in an office setting. It sees employees, executives, clients and also the trainers in action. Since the table is the focal point of all the action and discussion the said parties indulge in, it has to convey the right message. It must be professional yet pleasing and with Urban Hyve tables, you can set the right tone in your boardroom. You can create a lasting impression on the clients through designer tables and evoke the team members to a cause through prim and proper tables. With king size boat shaped tables, you can strike the perfect balance between style and substance, enriching the executives minds and helping them hold productive discussions while being at ease throughout the course. The boardroom table can truly take things to an all-new terrain, providing the perfect platform to the agenda at hand to be discussed and dissected. So, you should exercise your discretion and pick the right table in tune with the tone you want the boardroom to speak.
The boardroom tables, especially the contemporary tables from UrbanHyve charm in an instant with their extensive range. There is so much to explore that you would be really at your wit’s end during selection but if you are a little mindful, you can reap the best of out of this boardroom bounty. The boardroom tables come in different shapes with the rectangular and circle shape being the most popular size across the spectrum. Oval, boat and exotic shapes with rounded edges and irregular sides are the new-age edition of tables that have been making waves and if you want some exotic drama in your boardroom then they are a great choice.
The size of the tables is also as diverse as the shapes. At Urban Hyve, you are offered myriad choices letting you pick a table proportionate to the size of your boardroom and seating capacity. You can get the sleek and small round table for small size meetings, the king size rectangular or oval tables for big meetings where more than six or eight members would be sitting around the table to discuss matters. The medium size table for six to eight people sitting capacity is also available. The look and design of the table is a differentiating factor for the table variety as well. You can find single post or double post table, single or double stage table as per your requirement and décor needs.
So, what are you waiting for? Urban Hyve welcomes you to explore to your heart’s content and pick the table of your dreams sitting in your office. You can browse our big collection and place order for you pick as soon as you find the true table for your office. We will process your order at the earliest and deliver the same to your address sans any shipping cost.